Elohim Hashem Jehovah, Humanity, Le'bnsshpil = lifestyle - way of life, Re-blogs and Thoughts of others, Universe (Space)

Genesis 2:5-9 Theological terraforming and the Genesis worldview.

Our understanding of Scriptures is received by our different characters with different views and necessarily conveyed in human words and imagery.

Out of nothing, using nothing, from nothing, simply by God’s Word speaking ‘Into Being’ everything came into being.
Theology should simply be understood to be the ‘study of the Theos,’ The God Who gives a theological illumination in chapter 1 of Genesis.
Even when we do not know how God made everything, it is not as such something to know, but something we have to accept and believe.

In the end, people shall come to understand that “Its all up to God. God’s will be done.” People also shall come to see that everything is connected and that by following God’s advice, given in the many assembled books, man shall be able to make the best of his life, capable for the challenges of our lives in corporately challenging times and circumstances.

Rev Stephen Thompson preachingUnderneath you may find Stephen Thompson’s interpretation of Genesis 2. He looks at it and at Tate Modern and the Clore Gallery and the multitudes of sketches and watercolours by the English Romantic landscape painter Joseph Mallord William Turner, known in his time as William Turner, who created expressive colourisations, imaginative landscapes and turbulent, often violent marine paintings.

For him we are invited in this Genesis 2:5-9 passage into a personal viewing of God’s creative studios at the start of time as we might think of it, now having the curtains and canvas being pulled back and we get to see something of what is going on, behind the dashboard as it were.

He looks at the introduction of the El or the Mighty – high-ranking god, YHWH or Jehovah and compaes Him with the heathen’s el (or god).


To remember:

  • we can only know the One who was called ‘El’ by men if the real God chooses to reveal their Reality. And so YHWH does!
  • God = explicit first cause
  • ground described metaphorically = having a face which God has tended with gentle moisture >God takes dust of the ground + forms an animate being with a face that is really sensitive + responsive +> first conception: ‘God formed… God breathed… > the man became
  • scope for an ongoing relationship with God as equals in nature in some vital respects.
  • God = only One capable of making a universe or matter with capacity to form life
  • God’s world = placed under our authority + control > our delicate stewardship, which must consider whether this plant is to be made a crop or a weed, and whether this bush will live here or there or not at all.
  • God’s creation = designed to point to a quality of life which reaches beyond our physical existence for a few short decades, + a quality of wisdom which is grounded in simple knowledge but then goes beyond what we might find out for ourselves.


On the 17th of January 2021 the article we reblogged was not anymore to be connected. Well are the following articles there to be read where he a.o. mentions that God is a hard worker and that it is how the universe got to be here.

God is an abundantly creative worker: that’s how the world with all its variety (including you and me) came to be here.

For him, it is also clear that Jehovah God doesn’t want us to ‘’die’’, but remarks:

That, of course, is what did happen when the first people trespassed across this known boundary. They sinned to their own eternal harm. We break God’s commandments and find that we ourselves are broken on them. If we break them, it is even more the case that they break us.

It is also by the bond of people:

The marriage of one man to one woman is God’s invention, and like the rest of His creation it is ‘good’. Also, like the rest of the created order, it has been affected by the fall. Sin spoils marriages and ultimately blasts people apart. But if we will keep looking to the One who gave us the gift of marriage, and if we trust in His resources, we can nevertheless know a wonderful harmony and intimacy.



Bereshith 1-2 The Creation of the World – The Seven Days

Bereshith 2 Man and Woman placed in a Royal Garden

Starting from a point in time when two elements existed

Account of origin of man, sin and death

Possible problems with two Accounts of the beginning of human race

The figure of Adam


Find also to read

  1. Stories of the beginnings, and one Main book composed of four major sections
  2. Blackness, nothingness, something, void
  3. “Before” and “after” the Big Bang
  4. A Book to trust #4 Cause of Being and Truth
  5. Nothingness
  6. Accommodation of the Void
  7. Something from nothing
  8. 3rd question: Does there exist a Divine Creator
  9. Why think there’s a God? (1): Something from Nothing
  10. About the Cosmological argument for proving that there is a Creative Deity
  11. Consciously or unconsciously forming a world-view and choosing to believe or not to believe in God
  12. When no man can say with absolute certainty that God does or does not exist
  13. The very very beginning 1 Creating Gods – Nothing, none, something or more present
  14. The very very beginning 2 The Word and words
  15. From waste and void coming into being by God’s Word
  16. From nothingness, except an eternal Being, the Ruach brought into being
  17. Different principle about the origin and beginning of everything
  18. From nothingness and choices being made
  19. From nothingness to a growing group of followers of Jeshua 4 Trusting the Right One
  20. Scattered, broken, thwarted reflection of God
  21. Different principle about the origin and beginning of everything
  22. Science, belief, denial and visibility 2


Related articles

  1. In The Beginning. 2021
  2. Nothing
  3. What is Nothing?
  4. There is No Such Thing as NothingNothingness
  5. The Profundity of Emptiness
  6. The Simplicity of Nothingness
  7. The illusion of our own power
  8. Creation or Evolution
  9. Creation, Part 1: What is a doctrine of creation?
  10. God as Creator
  11. Genesis 1 – In the Beginning
  12. Genesis 1-2: A Harmonised and Historical Reading – Peter Heavyside
  13. Beckett: Poetry – No. 2138, Genesis: Creation & The Fall
  14. the bible’s big story
  15. God Speaks! How to (imperfectly) hear the indirect/subtle voice of God – Part II
  16. Evening Sentences

common or garden theologian

Artist Illustration of Dragon entering the Martian atmosphere before landing (2015). Original from Official SpaceX photos. Millions of years ago Mars had a magnetic field and an atmosphere, but both are long since gone, so it is not presently inhabitable.

Genesis 2:5-9 (ESV) When nobush of the field[a]was yet in the land[b]and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up—for theLordGod had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no manto work the ground,6and a mist[c]was going up from the land and was watering the whole face of the ground—7then theLordGod formed the man ofdust from the ground andbreathed into hisnostrils the breath of life, andthe man became a living creature.8And theLordGod planted agarden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom…

View original post 3.113 woorden meer

Christians, Le'bnsshpil = lifestyle - way of life, Re-blogs and Thoughts of others

3 Signs of Being a Glory Addict – Struggle of struggles

3 Signs of Being a Glory Addict Paul Tripp It really is the struggle of struggles. It’s what we were made for, it’s what we crave, and it’s what we manage to mess up in some way almost every day. What’s the struggle? The struggle for glory. I’ve said many times that I believe the most… Lees verder 3 Signs of Being a Glory Addict – Struggle of struggles

Bijbelstudie, Dierenrijk, Elohim Hashem Jehovah, Flora or Plant kingdom, Levenskwesties, Mensdom, Plantenrijk, Universum (Ruimte)

De Schepper achter eerste levende wezens

In dit artikel kijken wij hoe de Elohim sprak of zijn Woord uitte en dingen tot ontstaan kwamen en hoe er over een geocentrisch heelal wordt gesproken, waarin "leven" als een wonderbaarlijk verschijnsel van het "zichzelf bewegen" wordt gebracht en waar er telkens bepaalde soorten zijn die weer leven kunnen voort brengen.

Elohim Hashem Jehovah, History, Humanity, Life matters

Possible problems with two Accounts of the beginning of human race

Study of geology over some centuries now has shown evidence of a succession of different eras represented by layers of rock giving evidence of the development of the earth over millions of years.

Flora or Plant kingdom, History, Humanity, Life matters, Universe (Space), Wildlife or Animal kingdom

Starting from a point in time when two elements existed

Looking at traditional general rendering and some older Jewish rendering of the possible mistranslation of the first verses of the Book of Genesis and foundation concept of religious thinking. Of course, in our age, this subject is commonly tied up with scientific cosmogony, of how things did in fact originate, and here the questions cease to be religious since, first, very few believers are qualified to have an opinion on the latest scientific ideas of how the universe and life on earth began, and, secondly, no one can be sure that scientific conclusions will not change in the future.

History, Humanity, Life matters, Re-blogs and Thoughts of others

We haven’t always insisted that Gen 1 is literal 6*24 hours

We do not think we should take the Genesis 1 story speaking about a 24 hour day but about a day in the eyes of God which is much longer than 1000 hours. We should consider it more as a symbolic way of telling like we still sometimes use in our language and in “our day” or it “takes a day (at least)” indicating it takes many days or when talking about years or an age (number of years since it was made + period in history + generation +  to mean a very long time + lifetime + period or state of human life).

From the context and looking at what is written in other chapters of the Bible we may assume it is not mankind’s “day” of “24 hours” but God’s day or periods in the creation of God.


To remember:

  • Our opinion is that the Hebrew in Genesis 1 when it speaks of days is not describing a 24 hour earth day as we know it now.
  • consider 6 days of Creation in Genesis 1 as being other than literal.
  • EG Henry Sulley

As to the period occupied in the six days of the work of creation, we have no means of knowing how long a “day” is from the Divine point of view.”[1]

  • Bro Walker stated

we cannot agree to restrict the “days” of creation to literal days, and the original “rest” of God likewise to twenty-four hours! Critics will please be merciful to us[2] possibly a fair request!

  • Bro Watkins observed

sequence of events described in Genesis 1 is the same as the sequence that geologists have discovered by studying the rocks.  This cannot be mere coincidence…”[3]

+ proposed days of Genesis 1 = 6 days of fiats (or commands by God).

  • Bro Carter said

Bible = record of God’s creative activity in the beginning and onwards.

  • Alfred Norris > Moses putting down what he heard + describing what he saw + announcing end of each period of revelation as day’s disclosure comes to its end
  • Bro LG Sargent stated to “leave the time involved in creation as an open question[6].
  • Harry Whittaker concurs with Norris [7]
  • Bro Alan Fowler also expressed this view [8]
  • slightly different model advocated by Bro Hayward > followed Bro Watkins > advocating 6 days of fiats =  work being done at a later lengthier timeframe.[9]
  • Bro Andrew Perry expressed > “localised old earth[11] model.



An openingschapter explaining why things are like they are and why we may have hope for better things

Bereshith 1-2 The Creation of the World – The Seven Days

How did the original readers understand Gen 1:1?


Additional reading

  1. From dust and breath into living beings
  2. Creator and Blogger God 1 Emptiness and mouvement


Christadelphians Origins Discussion

I don’t have any doubt that the Hebrew in Genesis 1 when it speaks of days is describing a 24 hour earth day as we know it now.  The bigger question is whether Genesis 1 is a literal historical record of how God made all things.

There are some surprising examples exist of brethren who absolutely did not accept evolution but were prepared to consider the 6 days of Creation in Genesis 1 as being other than literal.

View original post 958 woorden meer

Elohim Hashem Jehovah, History, Humanity, Life matters, Re-blogs and Thoughts of others, Universe (Space)

How did the original readers understand Gen 1:1?

We are limiting the meaning of the text of the first two chapters of Genesis when we would only consider earth to be our globe. From the whole Biblical contexts we may assume that we must see the difference between eretz (earth or land) and haaretz (earth or ground) and aphar ha’aretz (dust of the earth or the sand or grains of earth) having also the globe and other planets around in the universe with their suns and stars.

When Jehovah created the universe, he created so many stars and planets that we could never count them all.

Problem with man is that they always think they know exactly how something is. But man’s knowledge is much more limited than God’s knowledge so often scientific results first taken as the answer seem some years later not true. As such we had one time the newspaper, the Houston, Texas Chronicle, reported that

“after a recent study, scientists now think that there are 300 sextillion stars in the universe.”

NGC 4414, a typical spiral galaxy in the constellation Coma Berenices, is about 55,000 light-years in diameter and approximately 60 million light-years away from Earth

That is a 3 followed by 23 zeros! But we should know it could be many more and we should see that somehow they are all organized. Yes, groups of stars are organized into galaxies. Each galaxy contains many planets and billions or even trillions of stars. Most galaxies are then organized into groups called clusters, and these clusters are organized into larger groups called superclusters.

The first chapter of Moshe’s book does not want to bring a scientific report on how everything is placed and structured but only wants to give a short review in a way which is easy to tell to others so that they can easily remember. For that reason the story-telling is the easiest form for oral tradition, for which it was provided. As such we should not take the story to be taken literally but figuratively. Also not considering the 6 days as literally six 24 hours but more as periods of development or if you wish ‘evolution’ .

A Caucasoid female skull (National Museum of Health and Medicine).

Today we still evolve and we should see how our own children and grandchildren are already so much different than us (see their body build). Those who want to see the first man as our contemporary man from Europe or the United states of America (the Caucasian type) mostly have a superiority feeling of their own race and are ashamed to have come from living souls (Leneʹfesj chai·jahʹh) who walked on their four limbs. (If you look at the body perhaps it was even not being made to walk on two limbs.)

Those who want to adhere to creationist views show they are missing many points of later books which form together the library of Book of books we call the Bible.



An openingschapter explaining why things are like they are and why we may have hope for better things

Bereshith 1-2 The Creation of the World – The Seven Days



Additional reading

  1. From dust and breath into living beings
  2. Creator and Blogger God 1 Emptiness and mouvement
  3. Bible containing scientific information
  4. Book Review: Ann Gauger, Douglas Axe & Casey Luskin, Science & Human Origins. Seattle: Discovery Institute Press, 2012.124pp.
  5. Largest timber-framed building part of discussion about God’s actions
  6. Judeo-Christian values and liberty


Further literature

  1. Scripture and Science – must they agree?
  2. Is Genesis 1 poetic?
  3. OEC and a brief history of the Gap explanation of Gen 1:1-2
  4. We haven’t always insisted that Gen 1 is literal 6*24 hours
  5. Facts
  6. “You evolutionists all believe different things”
  7. Varve layers prove 45,000+ years of continuous life
  8. Alan Eyre rejecting anti science nonsense
  9. Question Evolution
  10. What Is Creationism?
  11. Lewis Black on evolution, creationism, and the Bible
  12. The truth about creationism vs. evolution
  13. Is creationism on the wane in America?
  14. Creationism Continuum
  15. Is intelligent design creationism? Dr. Stephen C. Meyer explains
  16. Stephen C. Meyer debates intelligent design with two scientists on NPR
  17. The “Intelligent Design” Version of Creationism
  18. More Extra-Solar Planets, Less Creationism
  19. ICR: ‘Extreme Non-Evolution’ Proves Creationism
  20. Creative Challenge #36: Will Creationism Ever Die?
  21. Ryan Bell’s year of atheism testimony shows need for apologetics
  22. What Atheists Believe Too
  23. Was atheism or Christianity responsible for the Scientific Revolution?
  24. Atheists More Intelligent Than Creationists?
  25. Richard Dawkins Opens the Door for Dream Research
  26. pribhleid / privilege
  27. What I Believe: Creation
  28. Christian Beliefs about Creation


Christadelphians Origins Discussion

One pro Gap position suggests Gen 1:1 is a summary statement of the whole chapter.  While we read heavens and earth as meaning the universe and the planet, possibly the verse should be understood as meaning the sky and the land since the terms heaven and earth are used later in chapter 1.  We can test this suggestion by reviewing the chapter and context.

When we look at the Hebrew there is nothing particularly to affirm or deny the suggestion.  The word ‘heaven’ has a wide range of uses from the universe through to the sky and air.  Similarly, the word for ‘earth’ is extremely broad.  So we must go to the context of Gen1 and see how the expressions are used.


  • Used in v1
  • V6 the firmament is defined as heaven (with waters above and below it)
  • V14 the sun, moon & stars are set/placed in the firmament…

View original post 620 woorden meer

Bible texts, Elohim Hashem Jehovah, Flora or Plant kingdom, History, Humanity, Life matters, Universe (Space), Wildlife or Animal kingdom

Bereshith 1-2 The Creation of the World – The Seven Days

The Bible opens with the story of the beginning of everything, presenting the six periods of development (six days of creation) and the final period of establishment or rest.

Bijbelstudie, Dierenrijk, Elohim Hashem Jehovah, Geschiedenis, Geschriften, Levenskwesties, Mensdom, Plantenrijk, Universum (Ruimte)

Terugblikkend op de eerste mens en eerste gebeurtenissen 1 Ontstaan en plaatsing eerste mens

Wij kijken naar een hoogtepunt in de wereldliteratuur waarin de ontstaansgeschiedenis van ons hele gestel wordt verteld en blootgelegd waarom er zo veel moeilijkheden in onze wereld zijn. In dit eerste deel kijken wij naar de onbekommerde vredige wereld waarin de eerste mens werd geplaatst.

Dierenrijk, Elohim Hashem Jehovah, Geschiedenis, Geschriften, Levenskwesties, Mensdom, Plantenrijk, Universum (Ruimte)

Het begin van alles

Over het ontstaan van alles bestaan heel wat uiteenlopende en contrasterende meningen die een resem van bewegingen in de wetenschap en in de geloofsgroepen hebben teweeggebracht. Wij beginnen hier te kijken naar de ontstaansgeschiedenis, en ontstaansverhalen, ontstaansveronderstellingen, evolutionisten en creationisten.