Policy Statement

As followers of the Nazarene Jewish rebbe Jeshua Ben Josef we as adherents or devotees of Jeshua, (Jesus the way) Melech HaMoshiach (ChristMessiah – the anointed one), declare that we worship and praise the same God Jesus worshipped.

As believers of the fact that God made a Brit or covenant with Abraham, him to become the father of many nations, we believe we as descendants but also those who join us as liberated ones by Christ Jesus (Jeshua the Messiah) would become not only numerous but also united under the flagship Bnei Yisroel or Israel the People of God. (Gen. 13:6, 15:5, 17:3-8)

We believe that each individual is, and should, be able to come close to the Elohim. It is God Who calls the people and as such we should listen to that call of God and respect His choice of those who are called by Him. We as a nation Israel have to be obedient and keep repenting for faults we do, always turning our hearts back toward the Highest God above all gods.

Hearing and obeying The Elohim Hashem Jehovah His voice, we are pleased to gather from the nations into which we were scattered and welcome all those who are physically circumcised, the Nimolim, but also those who have circumcised their hearts and the hearts of their descendants as a seal of righteousness by the faith, so they might live again as a people committed to God. (Deut. 30:1-6; Rom. 2:29; 3:30; 4:11)

We welcome all those who were at a certain time called “not My people” by the Bore, but would now again hear the words, “You are sons of the Living God”. (Hos. 1:10, 2:23) As “prodigal sons” (Luke 15:11-32; Mat 21: 28-41) who now were given enough understanding to remain separate from the world all should receive the opportunity to regain full understanding of their identity since the great awakening promised by God has began to dawn. (Ezek. 37:4-11; Matt. 24:32-34)

Being drawn to the Torah, to the Land, and to the people of the Land while retaining the testimony of Jeshua, we welcome all people who are being called out of the nations and who want to be part of the Commonwealth of Israel. (Eph. 2:12-19; Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:8-11; Ezek. 37:15-19

All who gather in unity under Jeshua can rejoice in forming unity together and can testify united that:

  • We will submit to the Ratzon HaElohim or Will of God, This being the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and also to those whom God has raised to positions of trust and authority in our local assemblies and within the body of B’ney Jeshua. We will also commit to lifting these servants up continually in prayer, knowing they face a difficult task. (2 Thes. 1:11; James 4:7; 1 Pet. 5:5)
  • We will remain teachable, humble, accountable, and open to correction while seeking to renew ourselves daily through prayer and commitment to God, His Messiah, His Torah, and one another. (Ps. 51:10; Matt. 18:4; Heb. 3:13)
  • We will live in a manner that stands opposed to those things that cause division and strife within the body, being mindful that our walk should always reflect the character attributes of the God we serve. (Prov. 6:16-19; Gal. 5:22-23)
  • We will promote peace, harmony, love, and stability within and between our families, our local Qahál or Kehillah (congregation) or assemblies around us, the communities in which we live, and all of God’s Israel. (Ps. 133:1; Matt. 22:37-40; 2 Cor. 13:11)
  • We will remain aware that knowledge and understanding are gifts from God and that the misuse of these gifts profanes both the gift and the Gift Giver. Therefore, we will refrain from using our knowledge and understanding as a litmus test to determine who does and does not belong to God. (Ps. 143:10; Matt. 23:23; John 14:26)
  • We acknowledge that the work God is doing is happening over a progression of time, according to His Time and not ours. Therefore, we will commit ourselves to showing mutual respect and understanding, being quick to extend grace and slow to criticize, knowing this “last days” call will reach into all nations, cultures, peoples, and tongues in God’s timing and not our own. (Ps. 90:4; Eze. 4:6; James 1:1, 19-21; Dan 11:27; Luke 21:24)
  • We will stand ready to give an answer for the hope of our calling, willing to share what we believe with anyone who desires to hear; this is our responsibility. Yet we acknowledge there is a difference between giving answers to questions asked and trying to convert another to our way of understanding and practice. (1 Pet. 3:15; Rom. 12:14; 1 Cor. 4:12; Pr 15:1;  Ti 6:11; 2 Ti 2:15; Tit 3:2)
  • We will not force Judah or anyone else to accept that we are who we believe ourselves to be. Instead, we will wait patiently on God to do His work. In the interim, we will actively assume the roles of bridge builders, peacemakers, and repairers of the breach; a people who understand why the community at large — the nation to which we belong — is greater than self.

As a people who currently remain scattered among the nations, it is imperative that we unite through these declared principles and our deference to God-ordained leadership in order to ensure the tranquillity of the House to which we belong.

We live in faith by the assurance that God will do all He has promised through His everlasting covenant made with Israel.