Christians, Jews, Muslims, News and Events, Politics, Surveys - Polls

The attitude of Christians to Jews

According to a recent Pew Review Western Europeans who identify as Christian are more likely than those who have no religious affiliation to express negative feelings about immigrants and religious minorities. At the begin period of the 21st century there are still a large group of Christians who also consider themselves to be the rightful heirs of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. Looking at themselves as the sole legitimate heirs of the biblical promises because the Jews rejected and killed the Messiah.

Christians, History, Humanity, Jeshua the Messiah, Jeshuaists, Jews, Muslims, News and Events, Politics, View on Israel

This fighting world, Zionism and Israel #5

There are people who find that Israel is The Jewish State, and as such is founded upon the teachings, traditions, and precepts of Judaism, the very foundation of which is War With Gentildom. Virtually every religious feast of importance – from Passover to Purim to Hanukkah–celebrates the destruction of Gentiledom. The 5 ‘books of Moses’ comprising… Lees verder This fighting world, Zionism and Israel #5

Humanity, Jews, Kingdom of God, News and Events, Politics, Religiosity + Way of Expressing Faith, View on Israel

This fighting world, Zionism and Israel #1

Coming closer to the end-times we can see many signs indicated in the Bible to be a warning for a big trouble to come. After a Great War the Kingdom of God shall become a reality by which Jerusalem shall be the capital of that Kingdom and Jews shall find peace in the Promised Land, but it is not to man to decide which city and when this capital shall be there forGod's people to live alone or with others.