Elohim Hashem Jehovah, Jeshuaists, Jews, Le'bnsshpil = lifestyle - way of life, Life matters, News and Events, Religiosity + Way of Expressing Faith

Shemini Atzeret 5782 Times and Torah readings never to stop

Simchat Torah is a component of the Biblical Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret (“Eighth Day of Assembly”), which follows immediately after the festival of Sukkot in the month of Tishrei (mid-September to early October on the Gregorian calendar).

Jeshuaists, Jews, Le'bnsshpil = lifestyle - way of life, Re-blogs and Thoughts of others, Reflection text, Religiosity + Way of Expressing Faith

Fish vs. Pond Size – Jewish Community Edition

For a community that is already small in normal times, there has been a time of more loneliness during the lockdown periods due to the impact of the Coronavirus.
In some countries, things are allowed to return to normal, while in others, such as Belgium, we are still very cautious and foresee Zoom meetings.

We can imagine that in several countries the communities are still a shadow of what they once were. Getting all the congregants turning up again will also not be so simple, because often people have to travel some kilometres to come to service, and as such shall lose again some time by travelling to and fro.

For many, it will be a matter of readjustment and of having healthy fresh water in the fishbowl again. For many, it is also not so evident to get back in form and in confidence to share some tasks. Some prefer to stay in the shadow, whilst others would not mind being lions leading the troup.

We may question how far we as a community want to feel the collective experience. For months, many of us became accustomed to the private enclosure, and prayer time on our own at home.
Now going to yeshivah demands again some effort people have to bring up after work or daily duties.

After the Covid pandemic, we need retaining walls to carry out our daily work and bring life back to the brewery. For this, big fish are welcome to pull the procession of little fish along in an adventure of reading and study, but also of reflection and argumentation.

Now it may well be that people have come to a point where they want to look further afield and go to places where the sea is deeper but where the fauna is also wider and more abundant.

Do not mind exploring other Jewish communities, even when they may be much further or even out of state.
Who would not love to look for a Jewish or a Jeshuaist community that not only is vibrant and fully egalitarian, but also a Jewish community that is still a moderate-big pond post-pandemic with an existing coral infrastructure?

Those who are able to such larger communities are the lucky ones.

I want to be a smaller fish in this pond. I’d like to grow into a big star Torah-reading fish again. And I’m willing to take on some of those thankless coral jobs for the right community. But mostly, I really just want to feel like a fish again.

But do not be discouraged by the lack of large communities. We must be fully aware that, as Children of God, we will only be part of small communities. It is up to us to bring life into our very small communities. Each of us must bring new oxygen and even though the Covid period is not yet over, we must bring back the taste for more. Sometimes we have to do the digging ourselves to make the pond bigger.

Now is the time to bring out the picks and shovels and build a stage on which we can sing and dance together.

Jewish Young Professional

I thought I’d offer a somewhat different take on Fandango’s Provocative Question, as it got me thinking about my preferences and priorities for the Jewish community I want to be a part of, and how they have changed.

I’ve written before about my love for the singing, dancing, energy and celebration of “Big Party Judaism“. I guess this would be a small fish in a big pond model. Even aside from the fun social aspect, I enjoy the spiritual energy of Judaism in a large group of people.

Party time! Photo byQuang Nguyen VinhfromPexels

That said, when it comes to having a congregational home, I found myself more at home in the big fish in a small pond model. I gravitated towards communities where I’d play a bigger more active role, say, as a regular Torah/Haftarah reader, vs. a more passive one…

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Humanity, Jews, News and Events

Tel Aviv University study found a record-high number of reports of antisemitic activity throughout the world in 2021

Tel Aviv Univ. echoing recent ADL study on antisemitism in the US, find worldwide increase in Jew-hatred over the past year.

Humanity, Le'bnsshpil = lifestyle - way of life, News and Events

A New Year festival to bring better times

According to Mishnaic teaching, the New Year festival ushers in the Days of Judgment for all of mankind. Despite its solemnity, the festive character of Rosh Hashana is in no way diminished. In Scripture it is called “a day when the horn is sounded”; in the liturgy “a day of remembrance.” Again this year there… Lees verder A New Year festival to bring better times

Health and Wellbeing, Jeshuaists, Jews, Le'bnsshpil = lifestyle - way of life, News and Events, Religiosity + Way of Expressing Faith

2020 Hanukkah gathering to be in isolation

In these Corona lockdown days, we do not have to shut ourselves down, but can have virtual meetings to show our connection with all those around the world who have the same faith and shall light the candles, thinking of the miracles of God.