Jews, Kingdom of God, Muslims, News and Events, Places mentioned in the Bible, View on Israel

Israel and Gaza trade rockets as conflict escalates

Iran controls the trouble in and around Israel. It literally activates and ferments violence when it wants to. Hamas & Hezbollah don’t do anything without their paymasters say so.

Christians, Elohim Hashem Jehovah, Humanity, Jeshua the Messiah, Jeshuaists, Jews, Ketz HaOlam Hazeh = End times - end of the age, Kingdom of God, Life matters, Religiosity + Way of Expressing Faith

Responding to Wedding invitation

When positively reacting to the wedding invitation, we should be willing to step in the sent one from God his footsteps and should help to spread the Good News

Elohim Hashem Jehovah, Humanity, Jeshua the Messiah, Jeshuaists, Kingdom of God, Life matters, Religiosity + Way of Expressing Faith

Letting others know about the wedding invitation

Even though we have a standing invitation to eat at “the table of Jehovah,” we must never take that invitation for granted. (1 Cor. 10:21)

Elohim Hashem Jehovah, Humanity, Jeshua the Messiah, Kingdom of God, Life matters, Reflection text

Husband to an ancient nation

We should look at the Most High Elohim, how He had chosen Himself a set-apart (or holy) people. Also in the parable of the Wedding banquet, mentioned in Matthew 22, we hear how He as the king invited His people. Because many did no go into His invitation He sent out His servants to invite… Lees verder Husband to an ancient nation

Elohim Hashem Jehovah, History, Jeshuaists, Jews, Ketz HaOlam Hazeh = End times - end of the age, Kingdom of God, Life matters, News and Events, Politics, Religiosity + Way of Expressing Faith, View on Israel

This fighting world, Zionism and Israel #6

There are people who find occupation is the sheer existence of Israel and her people. The many actions we see Israel undertaking now may indicate that lots of people in Israel either do not know or do not want to know about God His Plan and His Way of doing things or (worse) do not currently know Him.

Humanity, Jews, Kingdom of God, News and Events, Politics, Religiosity + Way of Expressing Faith, View on Israel

This fighting world, Zionism and Israel #1

Coming closer to the end-times we can see many signs indicated in the Bible to be a warning for a big trouble to come. After a Great War the Kingdom of God shall become a reality by which Jerusalem shall be the capital of that Kingdom and Jews shall find peace in the Promised Land, but it is not to man to decide which city and when this capital shall be there forGod's people to live alone or with others.

Humanity, Jeshua the Messiah, Kingdom of God

Division, diversity, unity and connection

Nobody can ignore how the world evolves. In this world where division seems trumps real lovers of God and believers in the son of God should make an effort to connect with each-other and to show the world their unity even when there may be differences in the groups bringing richness in diversity.