Elohim Hashem Jehovah, Humanity, Jeshua the Messiah, Jeshuaists, Jews, Life matters, Religiosity + Way of Expressing Faith

Is it possible to be a Jew for Christ

From the Hebrew Scriptures, including the Talmud we can learn that the Chosen People or Israel is eternal, so the bond with them is irreversible, unbreakable and eternal, once a Jew always a Jew. As a Jew following the Jewish rebbe Jeshua should not mean that one has to give up the Jewishness, even better being a follower of the sent one of God one can become even closer to God.

Christians, History, Jeshuaists, Jews, News and Events, Religiosity + Way of Expressing Faith

A Hebrew-Christian movement

People should know there is a big difference between trinitarian "Jews for Jesus" and those Jews who believe in Jeshua as their Messiah but who worship the Only One True God of Israel.

Christians, Humanity, Jeshuaists, Jews, Muslims, Religiosity + Way of Expressing Faith

Jewish and Gentile Disciples

In the world we can find a growing amount of Messianic groups. There may be seen a lot of differences in the way they are structures and hold services, but what is most important is how they want to try to the Word of God and want to be partakers of the Body in Christ, willing to be united in Christ.